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Rediscover Your Purpose, Reset Your Trajectory, Magnify Your Impact…

Enroll in possibility with our Personalized Coaching Services and Leadership Retreats

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You may resonate with this...

A high achiever grappling to unlock their full potential?

A natural leader hesitant to step into their true role?

Good at “getting what they want”, yet perpetually unsatisfied with the milestones?

Using drugs and alcohol excessively to cope with stress?


Trapped in a joyless existence, despite external successes? 


A brilliant mind consumed by overthinking, experiencing intelligence as a curse?

If you're nodding along, I get it, because I've walked that path too. I get YOU because it's also ME! I’ve been there, in those trenches of self-doubt and yearning. That's precisely why I know this approach works!

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Enter Mike Lilly, Your Transformation Catalyst

It's been a wild ride, battling health setbacks, wrestling with self-doubt, facing inner demons, and soul-searching.

On the surface, I seemed like someone to admire. But behind closed doors, I was struggling to find joy and meaning in life.

Yearning for connection, yet pushing away those who cared. Lost in a maze of insecurities, far from my true self.

I tried everything to find happiness - indulging in vices, chasing fleeting thrills - only to come up empty-handed. It wasn't my circumstances holding me back; it was my state of being.

Married with a family, yet feeling utterly lost, I knew I had to make a change.

Then, I went on a journey that changed my life forever.

In my searching, I stumbled upon a leadership retreat unlike any other. Drawn to its holistic approach and focus on spiritual growth, I felt a pull I couldn't resist.

What intrigued me most were the diverse healing modalities offered and the star-studded guest list. It felt like a leap into the unknown, but my desperation for change urged me forward. So, without hesitation, I booked my ticket.


And let me tell you, it was a decision I'll never regret.

At that retreat, I discovered the profound impact of coaching. For the first time, I felt truly understood, supported, and embraced for who I am. I rediscovered my authentic self, rekindling my belief in my own potential. It was the revelation I’d been seeking.

Though coaching was foreign territory, its influence was undeniable. Experiencing its power first-hand ignited a passion within me to help others. I realized coaching wasn't just a career; it was my calling.

Inspired, I crafted a program modeled after my own journey. I wanted others to access the same miracle I had encountered. This isn't about quick fixes or overnight miracles. No, it's about delving deep into the core of who you are, navigating your desires and fears, and guiding you toward lasting change.

So let's take this on together... Partner with me, and unlock the boundless potential within you. Together, we'll rewrite your story, one chapter at a time.


World-Class Coaching for Top Performers.

I help leaders, athletes, celebrities, and normal folks reset and level-up their lives.

We all have blind spots. That's where coaching shines. You may possess talent and problem-solving prowess, but true growth comes from shedding light on the unseen. Even the top-brass of the corporate ladder recognize the value of investing in themselves through coaching and mentoring.

1:1 Coaching with Mike

I’m here to reflect your truth, provide insight, hold you accountable, and be present with you during challenging times. With me, you gain a friend, a mirror, a cheerleader, and a guide to a life that'll never be the same again!

When You’re the Best, You Deserve the Best.

Ontological coaching blends deep philosophical inquiry with practical personal development. Rooted in the study of being, it explores fundamental questions about existence and identity. In coaching, this means going beyond surface-level changes to understand how our core beliefs and sense of self influence our goals and actions.

Unlike traditional coaching, which often focuses on behaviors, ontological coaching helps clients tap into their authentic selves to achieve meaningful growth. It's about more than just setting goals; it's about understanding who we are and how we want to show up in the world. Through collaborative exploration, ontological coaching supports clients in aligning their aspirations with their true essence, leading to lasting personal and professional transformation.

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Retreat & Coaching Combo

In this program, we blend life-transforming coaching with an indulgent, all-inclusive 7-day retreat.

Surely, you can relate…


You attend a seminar, class, or retreat, and you’re fired up about making BIG, positive changes in your life.

For the next week or two, you’re killing it… You’re knocking out everything you’ve set out to do, you’re energized, and you’re ready to take on the world.

But after a couple of weeks, the enthusiasm begins to wear off..…

Surrounded by naysayers or slipping back into old habits, you find the excitement dwindling. What was once invigorating becomes mundane, and that spark of inspiration fades away.

Most people revert to their ‘old ways’, no matter how amazing the seminar or retreat was because we’re just hardwired that way as human beings. So, how do we keep the drive alive? How do we fan the flame beyond the initial spark?


The Fortune is in the Follow-Through

In the pursuit of genuine, lasting transformation, having devoted support is non-negotiable. At Dimension Leadership, we ensure that you have the guidance and encouragement you need throughout your whole process, with dedicated support before and after your experience. But what truly sets us apart is our provision of a coach chaperone who stays by your side throughout the retreat. Their presence offers not just security and safety, but a compassionate ear and a friend to lean on whenever you need. With a coach in your corner, you'll find the strength to stay on the wagon, and the grace to love yourself in the process!


Immerse yourself in a sanctuary of lavish accommodations in a beautiful resort set amidst the captivating landscapes of Costa Rica, where enlightening seminars, invigorating yoga sessions, harmonizing breathwork, serene meditation, paradigm-shifting plant medicines, and rejuvenating spa experiences await your embrace.

Delight your palate with sumptuous, organic cuisine (all-you-can-eat!) and luxuriate in top-tier amenities tailored to pamper your senses and nurture your well-being.

Despite the revelry and opulence, it's not all about fun and games; the path to self-transformation is filled with challenges! This retreat offers a unique opportunity to confront our current self, reconnect with our innermost self, and heal the wounded self. This tranquil setting is masterfully curated to soften the pains of transformation, in service of a more supported journey.

Before your retreat, you’ll embark on a month-long coaching journey, meticulously crafted to establish the foundation for your physical and mental preparedness. Then, with a coach chaperone, you’ll embark on your week-long odyssey in a Costa Rican paradise, where the transformative magic unfolds!


Beyond your retreat, our dedicated coaches stand by your side. They’ll guide you through the integration process and stand in unwavering support as you carry the torch of your aspirations. The integration portion consists of 8 weeks of post-retreat coaching.



✔ 12 weeks of ontological coaching

✔ Flights to/from Costa Rica

✔ Coach chaperone

✔ Airport transfer

✔ 7-nightluxury accommodations

✔ Medical evaluation by physician

✔ 1 massage

✔ 2 hydro-colonic cleanses

✔ 6 yoga classes

✔ Daily motivational seminars & classes,

✔ 3 breathwork classes

✔ 21 Farm-to-Table organic meals prepared in an all-you-can-eat buffet style by our master chef

✔ Plant medicine

✔ Special world-famous guest speakers

✔ Unlimited access to 5-star amenities such as pool, steam-room, gym, and volcanic mud baths.

✔ 2 Costa Rica beach trips


Proven results, this retreat serves actors, athletes, celebrities, and all manner of high-performers! 16,000+ guests have been through this top-rated retreat.

95% say they experienced a miracle, saying this was the week that changed their life!!!

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